Setting up copy field sets

The HCM Copy field set (on the Recruit Application object) and Copy Fields from Recruit field set (on the HCM Employment Record object) contain the fields you want to copy from Recruit to HCM when a new Team Member is automatically created.

The field sets map to each other and must match, field for field, in both type and order. For example:

Copy Fields from Recruit Field Set

HCM Copy Field Set

Team Member object

Candidate object

First Name

First Name

Last Name


Team Member object

Vacancy object

Job Title

Vacancy Name

Team Member object

Candidate object

Home Phone


Home Email


Home Address 1

Home Street 1

Home Address 2

Home Street 2

Home Address City

Home City

Home Address Region

Home Region

Home Address Zipcode

Home Post Code

Home Address Country

Home Country

Birth Date

Date of Birth

Current Salary object

Application object


Start Salary

To change the fields in a field set:

  1. Go to Setup > Objects and Fields > Object Manager

  2. Select the label for the object holding the field set you want to change:

    • For Copy Fields from Recruit select Employment Record
    • For HCM Copy select Application
  3. On the object detail page, select Field Sets.

  4. In the list of Field Sets select Edit for the Field Set you want to change.

    Sage People displays the Field Set builder.

  5. Ensure that the fields in both field sets match each other.

    When the Team Member record is created, the data is retrieved from the fields included in the HCM Copy field set and copied to the matching fields in the Recruit Copy field set. If the fields do not match, the copy - and Team Member creation - fails.

  6. Add or remove fields from both field sets to create the field set you want to use to automatically create a new Team member record.

  7. Select Save to save your changes and exit the Field Set builder.

You can copy:

  • An unlimited number of fields from the Application object to the Employment Record object.
  • A maximum of 25 fields from any of the other objects accessible from the HCM Copy Field Set. For example, a total of up to 25 fields from a combination of the Candidate, Referer, and Vacancy objects.